We design the future
LOWFI helps SaaS and tech-enabled brands solve big design challenges and ship better digital (and other) products, faster.
There is a national shortage of sperm and egg donors in Australia. This makes finding a donor near impossible. Most clinics import from overseas but the information on each donor is basic.
The Donor Bank catalogue aggregates thousands of donors from sperm and egg banks around the world, we use A.I yo fill the information blanks and that gives you the best possibility of finding the perfect match.
The World Wide Web has revolutionized the way we access information, socialize, and do business. But online privacy is an ongoing concern for both regulators and consumers. Many startups need policies to be compliant but don't have the budget for a lawyer.
LegalEyes lets you generate legal policies for your website in under two minutes for a tiny one-off flat fee. We’ve invested in making our generated policies easy to read while ensuring they meet the high standards you would pay thousands for elsewhere.
It's hard to remember a script when recording a video. Its harder to use a teleprompter when you need your phone to record. Its even harder to ask someone else to remeber and record a script for you.
upwords helps reduce your production time, deliver better presentations, and record videos in your browser for free. Script it, share it, read and record on one device for free.
A number of studies have claimed Dads Spend Seven Hours a Year Hiding from Their Families — in the Bathroom, 86% of men do most of the reading on the toilet and men spend up to 14 minutes per toilet session compared with women, who spend almost eight minutes. But with an overload of choices, this 14 minutes can quickly go to waste when trying to solve life's problems.
Dadventures is an online magazine that aggregates the top articles from the most read sources of truth, in retation to dad life. The magaine is an easily digestible, 14 minutes or less read that will house solutions to life big challenges, the latest news and sport as well as a few things to get you laughing out loud before you exit the soothing serenity of the toilet and return to the daily chaos of dad-life.